
Showing posts from May, 2024
 9th post  05-27-24 Today we got up early to pick up our trail cams first the one closest so year one teak forest while we tried to identify as many birds as we could. We went back for a quick breakfast and little break, and we then went back out for the other cameras. We first went to year nineteen for two cameras and then it was our group job to grab teak year nine after as the other group went to the mountains. Then we spent a couple hours pouring though footage and mostly it was wind activating the camera, but we got a few hits which was nice. The rest of the day was spent finishing posters for the next day.
 8th post  05-26-24 Today was our fun day we were ready by 6am to be at the boat heading to three islands. We had a lot of fun swimming, snorkeling, and I got stung by a jellyfish so lots of fun experiences. The water felt great it was a beautiful day. We had so much fun going tubing falling off or staying on we all fell off at least once when we were on the giant hotdog. After on the way back we saw dolphins in the water, and it was great. The rest of the day was poster work.  
 7th post  05-25-24 Saturday, we got up early to get ready to head to a village for out presentation. When we first got there, we all introduced ourselves and they did a traditional dance for us. We then we exchanged gifts, and we went on a little walk to see some medicinal herb grown there. after we waited out some rain, we had lunch and did our presentation which went really well. This trip took just about all day, so we didn't get back until about 8 pm so quick dinner and bed pretty soon after.
 6th post  05-24-24 Friday, we went on our usual routine early in the morning. Nice hike to do our bird survey, then back for breakfast and poster work. along that day we also had a group interview with Oteima about our research project which was fun. we also saw the biggest scorpion we have ever seen sadly too fast for a picture. After dinner we had to work on the water project to present the next day, we even rehearsed a couple times to get it down. 
 5th post  5-23-24  Today was the usual wake up we woke up 4:30 am to leave by 5:30 am. We switched locations so this time me and Alberto go to the nine-year-old teak forest to our bird biodiversity. Again, I did point one and two while Alberto walks over to do three. After we finished there, we headed to the one-year-old teak forest, and I did point three and Alberto headed to point one. afterwards it was mostly relaxed we headed back for breakfast. then did mostly poster work and break until dinner. after dinner we did a group activity then a Q&A for our volunteer project Saturday. We then called it a night to be ready for our next early start the next day.
4th post  05-22-2024  Today was a bit long we were up at 4:30 to get ready to head out by 5:30. We wanted to do our bird song survey to count all the bird diversity in the area. Alberto and I headed up the mountain in which I did the first and second point. While Alberto headed to the last point and to change out the memory cards in the cams. So, we can double check that they are running correctly and at the right angle once we finished that part we went to back to camp. We had breakfast and repacked to go out to set more cam traps in a corridor then a teak forest that's been growing for a year. About that time, it started to really get sunny, so we really needed a break, so we rested for a bit before heading back to set the last two cam in which turned out to be my favorite area so far. A nineteen-year-old teak tree forest it was so nice walking around there and the tracks the animal left were so fun to look for like deer tracks and anteater burrows. When we got back it was d...
 3rd post  05-21-2024 Today we had a nice start as usual a nice breakfast and then packing to head out in our first day of research. we headed up the same trail as yesterday. Stopping for a couple of things the first being to set up cam traps to view mammal diversity. The first few places were a four-year-old teak forest at low and higher elevations. In the second location we did the mature forest, in there we also added flags for a method we're using to judge bird diversity by bird song. We also added flags and trail cams in a teak forest that was nine years old we wanted to add more in a couple other places but were worried about the rain and got a message telling to be back by a certain time, so we made a plan to finished tomorrow. After getting back we had a great dinner and got to relax a bit which is much needed after so much walking. after we had a discussion based on article sent to us which led to quite the range of views and opinions. All that was left was blog, pack...
 2nd blog  05-20-2024 Today we woke up and was able to watch the sunrise through the clouds. That created some very nice picture and something to do before breakfast. After we met with Destry to learn a bit about hydrology and come up with a game plan for our volunteer day Saturday. With class out of the way we had lunch and met with our mentors to game plan our research projects. Around the time we finished up the rental cars were here, and we went on an hour hike through a thirty (30) year old corridor in which we saw some cool things my favorite were the baby crocodiles and a lizard we found in a pond at the end.
 1st blog  5-19-2024 We're starting this blog on a travel day we headed out about 8:45 out of Panama City toward the end goal of Batipa. The bus was comfortable and the journey, while long didn't feel too bad couple bathroom stops and lunch and in about 6 hours we had made it. Thats when things got exciting, we got a tour after settling in which we seen awesome mangroves, beautiful birds and some hungry monkeys all within the small tour. I can say without a doubt this is one of the best sceneries I have ever seen.